for FMCG, Secondry and Tertiary Sales and Manufacturing Industries.
Track your Primary and Secondary sales activities with this SFA app. Sales Automation App features the Order processing, Payment & complaint Management, Beat Plan/Route Plan, DSR, Salesman Tracking, Sales forecast, Target and monitoring, Salesman Live Location and Attendance.
The managers can get actionable insights into real-time data and act accordingly. It improves overall productivity, keeps the motivation high, boosts range selling, and increases market coverage, all the while empowering you to make smart sales teams.
Sales Force Automation, an automated solution that enables information to be accessed and shared between marketing, sales, and customer service. Grahaak SFA (Sales Force App) makes it easy for everyone to manage sales, thereby reducing manual or repetitive tasks for the team.
Cloud based integrated secondary sales software which is feature rich and adaptable to different business needs, Grahaak understand your business process and customizes the system according to your business needs.
"Grahaak" Sales force App has been built as a feature rich, flexible, and customizable solution. It handles varied tasks of salesforce automation with resounding ease.
“Grahaak” is an integrated Sales Force Automation Tools featuring Beat Plan, Retailer Order, Salesman Tracking, Payment Collection from Outlet etc.
"Grahaak" Sales Automation Software is a versatile sales tracking and Field force management software.
Grahaak is one of the best Secondary Sales Tracking software that can improve your sales team's ability to engage with new leads and boost customer satisfaction. SFA is a tool to support sales efforts to track buyer journeys, identify revenue opportunities, provide customer support, and more. Grahaak's Field Force App tracks and enhances the efficiency of entire sales team process.
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